
Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam

Well, that's two days worth of shitty blog posts I've decided not to put on here because they were just shitty pretentious pseudo-intellectual musings. And, clearly, I'm not narcissistic enough to put that shit up here to try to appear like some fuck-nut with an opinion worth anyone's fucking time.


I was looking out the car window tonight (I was being driven for once after a long while... what a strange feeling). As I cursorily analyzed the buildings passing by, I noticed that there were quite a few churches, generally Protestant. Did you know among the Protestant Christian community, there are over 30,000 different denominations (that number seems way too high but that's like what the wiki totally says man)? I don't really know how that came to pass but each of these denominations probably came into being as a result of some fundamental distinction from its parent group. It's quite a puzzling aspect of the religion and definitely appears as a sign of disunity. Don't worry, though, this post isn't going to devolve into strings of theological jargon justifying the multitudes of denominations.

Even though there're so many denominations, theoretically all Protestants agree on the important points. And so, in a way, these distinctions really just become personal preferences. For the longest time, I accused my old church of being stagnant and insufficient. They were too busy conducting their church business and had forgotten how to be proper ambassadors, after all! Well, maybe I was a bit too harsh, a bit too judgmental. Something I realized early on during that recent, failed experiment was that it was ok for two parties to have different priorities and desires. The two may not be right for each other when those differences become sufficiently unscalable but by no means does that disagreement necessarily imply a deficiency in any one of the parties (though I guess it'd be unrealistic to assume for flawlessness in general). 

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that my old church and all those old churchmates probably were just going in a different direction than me. And, even if they were seemingly lacking in some priorities that I thought would be second-nature for any Christian, the fundamental Christian precepts were nevertheless there. From a theological point of view, in terms of denominations that have that Nicene creed alignment thing (or whatever) worked out, all roads do lead to Rome. And, so, why have I been so bent out of shape that that other road wasn't to my liking. It just wasn't for me and that's ...just fine. So it's only fair for me to say... oops.

P.S. The great irony of the first post mentioning religion after who-knows-when being written right after my commission of certain, um, indiscretions is not lost upon me.

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